Cesium add addImageryProvider failed, use Cesium.GoogleEarthImageryProvider

I have builded the google earth enterprise code and published my database.
Because I can't explore my database 3D map in broswer, I tried using cesium.

I test my javascript code like this:

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {
    imageryProvider : new Cesium.ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider({
        url : ‘http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer
    baseLayerPicker : false

var layers = viewer.scene.imageryLayers;
layers.addImageryProvider(new Cesium.GoogleEarthImageryProvider({
    url : '',
    channel : '7bb883c4-4c30-11e7-a944-ff41c1e30d5b',
    path : '/nanmingyunyan'

I get a error:
An error occurred in "GoogleEarthImageryProvider": An error occurred while accessing

I try to access the link above in the browser, get the result:
{ dbType : "gedb", isAuthenticated : false, layers : [ { description : "", id : "bbba1262-4c30-11e7-8145-ff41c1e30d5b", isEnabled : true, isExpandable : false, isInitiallyOn : true, isVisible : true, label : "Imagery", lookAt : "none" } , { description : "", id : "7bb883c4-4c30-11e7-a944-ff41c1e30d5b", isEnabled : true, isExpandable : true, isInitiallyOn : false, isVisible : true, label : "yunyan1", lookAt : "none" } , { description : "", id : "7bb88428-4c30-11e7-8eae-ff41c1e30d5b", isEnabled : true, isExpandable : true, isInitiallyOn : false, isVisible : true, label : "nanming1", lookAt : "none" } ] , serverUrl : "http://lys/nanmingyunyan" }

I just want to know How can I add my gee 3D/2D map to cesium? the channel ID is right?

in 3D map, the channel id is string, but in 2D map, the channel id is number.

My English is very poor , please help me.

Hi there,

This seems like a CORs issue. Trry making sure that CORS is enabled on the server.

Hope that helps,

  • Rachel