i hava email my tileset.json, In b3dm.rar have sub jsons and b3dm. can you receive that?
thank you. This problem has plagued me for a long time. this is root data.![32EF580B@8D47C34D.A5402F5A.png|357x211](upload://939ZtkPMvZWfLZjhZtEILRmX4K6.png)when i room in, the data changes the position and the height is not right.
The tileset seems to be ok. It looks like the problem is the glTFs. Every glTF except the two root tiles has an extra transform applied to it. For example I see that Tile_+055_+039_L16_0.b3dm has a translation of (-1056.09, -461.411, -43.6774, 1) applied to it. I attached some screenshots of the node hierarchy for Tile_+055_+039.b3dm and Tile_+055_+039_L16_0.b3dm. Hopefully that helps with debugging the problem.
thank you for your help. i fixed the .dae files,and then i have solved the problem that the files of .b3dm can not see.
i have another problem now, I use near 2GB data to do the test, Chrome browser browsing speed is not very fast, memory consumption is about 300MB, and fireFox memory consumption is about 1GB. How can we optimize browsing speed and reduce memory? Is it better to set the geometricError parameter? do you have a method or tool to calculate the geometricError?