The reason updates are slow is not because the Primitive is unmodifiable, it’s slow because of two things
Overhead of transferring updated geometry to the GPU (this would be greatly improved by the dynamic buffers I spoke of in my original replay)
The time it takes to calculate the new mesh for the geometry (this is greatly reduced if you are simply using outlines, but still there).
PolylineCollection is a potential workaround, but for large ellipses the lines will cut through the surface of the earth (small ellipses would be fine).
I threw together a quick (and naive) example of updating 1000 ellipse outlines twice a second using totally random data (located around 0,0). Code is below.
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’);
var primitive;
setInterval(function() {
if (primitive) {
var instances = ;
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
instances.push(new Cesium.GeometryInstance({
geometry : new Cesium.EllipseOutlineGeometry({
center : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-Math.random(), Math.random()),
semiMinorAxis : Math.random() * 1000,
semiMajorAxis : 1000 + (Math.random() * 1000)
attributes : {
color : Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.fromColor(Cesium.Color.fromRandom({alpha : 1.0}))
primitive = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Primitive({
geometryInstances : instances,
asynchronous : false,
appearance : new Cesium.PerInstanceColorAppearance({
flat : true
}, 500);
You could probably improve performance a bit by moving this into a preRender loop and diffing times instead of using setInterval (which causes it’s own issues for other reasons outside of the scope of this email). The size of the ellipses also forgets performance because larger sizes create more data that needs to be computed and transferred.
Just to reiterate, I totally agree that Cesium performance can be greatly improved in this area (dynamic geometry), and we definitely want to work on it in the future, but right now we’re finishing up 3D Tiles.
We would be happy to look at any pull requests that make improvements in the shorter term. If you’re interested in helping out, check out to get started.