Cesium for Unreal on Ubuntu fails to load local 3Dtiles

LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL file:///home/ricky/ssw/t1/tileset.json
LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL file:///home/ricky/ssw/t1/tileset.json done
LogHttp: Warning: 0x7f7ac1e99710: request failed, libcurl error: 1 (Unsupported protocol)
LogHttp: Warning: 0x7f7ac1e99710: libcurl info message cache 0 (Protocol “file” not supported or disabled in libcurl)
LogHttp: Warning: 0x7f7ac1e99710: libcurl info message cache 1 (Closing connection -1)
LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-06 12:06:53.303] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:731] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: Request failed.

The same file can be imported correctly in Windows.What’s the difference of them?Could anyone help me?

This is a limitation of Unreal’s HTTP support on Linux. However, we’ve worked around it in Cesium for Unreal v2.0, so upgrading should fix the problem for you.

Thanks!But Cesium for Unreal v2.0 is based on UE5,yet my project uses UE4.26, so I am looking for ways to solve the problem described above.

Well, unfortunately, this is probably the first of many problems without a solution that you will run into in that case, as we stopped updating the version of the plugin for UE 4.26 in December 2022. You really need to upgrade as soon as you can.

OK, thank you very much for your reply.