LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL file:///home/ricky/ssw/t1/tileset.json
LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL file:///home/ricky/ssw/t1/tileset.json done
LogHttp: Warning: 0x7f7ac1e99710: request failed, libcurl error: 1 (Unsupported protocol)
LogHttp: Warning: 0x7f7ac1e99710: libcurl info message cache 0 (Protocol “file” not supported or disabled in libcurl)
LogHttp: Warning: 0x7f7ac1e99710: libcurl info message cache 1 (Closing connection -1)
LogCesium: Error: [2023-11-06 12:06:53.303] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:731] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: Request failed.
The same file can be imported correctly in Windows.What’s the difference of them?Could anyone help me?