- Providing a mechanism for caching tiles of particular area beforehand to make animations smoother.
- Providing a mechanism to capture animation frames and converting them to video. This can be useful for so many things.
- Provide more control on tracked entity like zoom, heading, and pitch.
Thanks for the ideas, Qandeel.
For a way to capture video, check out https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cesium-dev/mvylCnnuabI
Same as Mark. Performance improvements, and the texture atlas out of memory issue.
Thanks for the great work,
I want to add road with image material,when I use color material ,It can surface on terrain,but failed when use image material.can you fix the problem? thank you!
"altitude" or "height" for "ImageLayer" or "ImageLayerCollection" so TMS, WMS, etc can appear to float above the globe. TMS/WMS tiles with alpha channels (clouds, radar) could appear as if they were in the atmosphere. Maybe even cast shadows?
That feature is on our long term roadmap, but we’re not sure when it will be implemented, as it looks like it will be a fairly large undertaking. Once 3D-tiles is further along, it may become easier to add.
Meanwhile, I’ve added you to our discussion here, and we’ll keep you updated when we make progress.
Hi Patrick,
Recognizing that there will be great things coming in 1.33, there are four feature additions and bug fixes I would find very valuable:
KML network link dynamic updates
Polyline animation, i.e. simulating flow in static time, building on the new stapled polylines coming soon (Jason).
Fix for variable dark large triangles near polar regions, i.e imagery not drawn.
Longstanding bug where objects on the other side of the globe are picked up as being in front.
Avoid superfluous redrawing of time-interpolated polylines and objects; which e.g. currently dramatically limits the number of objects it is realistic to keep alive (compared to Google Earth.)
Kjell, thanks for the feedback.
For 2, because of the nature of Cesium (and the Entity API, though it’s not necessary), flow lines can already be done with Jason’s work, here is a simple example using master: http://cesium-dev.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/cesium/master/Apps/Sandcastle/?src=Hello%20World.html&label=Showcases&gist=ae02bcd6c66ca4b15d5c46f2200dc846
That flow is disconnected from time, but hooking it up to the Cesium clock so that it speeds up/slows down or pauses should be fairly straightforward. That being said, we could certainly create a high-level “FlowLineProperty” if the community thought it would be generally useful. Is this type of animation what you had in mind?
Hope that helps,
Hi Matt,
This was exactly what I had in mind, and worth the version grade in itself! Your demo shows it is as simple to implement as I had hoped, and I would expect that there are others in the community that would second the implementation of some “FlowLineProperty”. Definitely worthy of a Sandcastle demo too.
Ideally it should work smoothly with a substantial number of polylines, say 500 of different widths, colors (materials?) and time-encodings, without experiencing a substantial drag on the system.
The animateLine() function would most likely be shared across polylines (also for visual harmony) and could possibly be predefined as a default. At the datasource level? A default animateLine() could for example make it possible to implement animated flowlines in czml too?
Look forward to seeing what ideas others might have.
Incidentally, a generic animateLine() could be a little more efficient by having
return (1 << i++) + (1 << i);
instead of i++; return Math.pow(2, i) + Math.pow(2, i-1);
It does raise the issue of how to tailor the dash-shape, though, and ultimately even if it could be possible with a version that has a wave-like color spectrum.
I think the orthometric(mean sea level) terrain would also be a workaround for this bug
(Others have mentionned it as well) I'd really like to see an efficient way to clamp polylines to the ground, including long polylines.
Thanks for the great work.
Guillaume Lathoud
Great new additions!
I’d still be great to have subsurface visualization added at some point in the future. I think many other people in the community expressed interest for this feature in the past.
As always, thanks all for the input!
@wenwu20082001 the branch to watch for textured polygons on terrain is https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/compare/ground-primitive-tex-coords
@jduhlsbaron for your use case, would imagery layers at altitude require terrain or just the ellipsoid?
@Kjell do you know the GitHub issue for this: “Longstanding bug where objects on the other side of the globe are picked up as being in front.”
First of all, thanks for the hard work Cesium people!
Over the next 3 months, here’s my wish list:
- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cesium-dev/ZSGJAUqnGR0
- release builds from the 3d tiles branch or periodic integration of 3d-tiles back into master
- https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/4714
- Improving the API for : https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/4659
- Optimizing picking (do webgl’s readPixels less): https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/630
- Native support for clustering polygons: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/4656
I would like a fix for the following issue:
Add option to use rhumb lines for geometry
It may have been already planned out but its would be good to get idea about the vector layers support on Google Earth Enterprise.
What’s the likelyhood of having CZML polygons with altitude clamp to terrain? That’s out-of-the-box functionality in GE but it seems to be a challenge with Cesium. For those of us who can’t use the Tile Server this would be very helpful for drawing architectural scenes.
Hi Greg,
We can’t say for certain when this will be implemented, but know that it’s on our radar – we’re aware that ground-clamping is a very popular feature!
- Rachel
In advance sorry for my English.
You have created a wonderful project!
At first I used for my tasks WebGL Earth JavaScript API based on Cesium, but then it turned out that there's not enough functionality, and we started to make the transition in Cesium.
A very handy tool, very good documentation, many examples, but for the purposes of our projects required popup balloons binded to Entities like here(http://examples.webglearth.com/#markers)
Probably too late to describe my wish, but could you re-consider adding popup balloons to Entity.
I found on the forum the manualy solution (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/cesium-dev/hP5wjNeOWzo/dq7frk-_AwAJ) but when Entiti not visible, but the created element is not hidden.
here is an Example on Sandcastle(
maybe I need to add some parameter in a condition if(Cesium.defined(result) && PointPosition.isVisibleNow)
but I couldn't find it in the documentation.
Thanks, Aleksey