Cesium in the next three months - what do you want to see?

Hi Aleksey,

This can definitely be accomplished in a manner similar to your example, but we’ll keep this in mind! In the meantime, checkout our hide entities example, which may help you: http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Show%20or%20Hide%20Entities.html&label=All


  • Rachel

It would be great if GroundPrimitive supported the use of a material with a texture from an image, and that this image/texture could be updated fast (for example, updating the texture with frames from a video, at least 30 frames per second)

A request that keeps coming up for us is the addition of a scale control. The ability to add a scale that indicates distance for the current zoom level and the ability to specify the unit of measure would be great.

At first, thanks to this awesome project, I learn many skills from that. I’m very looking forward to the vector tiles, and now I do a little on that, but looks terrible… I want to know when the work on vector tiles will be finished?

在 2017年4月4日星期二 UTC+8下午9:50:18,Patrick Cozzi写道:


first, I have to admit, that your software is really awesome. I recently joined a project in my company, that uses cesium and I must say, that I am pretty impressed. What I would really like to see is webvr support for devices like the HTC Vive. I know that webvr is at an early stage, but I figured that if you have already partly implemented WebVR for the use with cardboard, wouldn't it be relatively easy to remove the restrictions to other devices?

No one expects perfect results, but seeing the world through a Vive or Rift would be pretty impressive.

Thanks for reading this.

I'd love to see a focus on repairing Cesium's bread & butter map functionality. Labels and 2D shapes seem to be particularly neglected areas. For example, the label Sandcastle should be able to use smaller Google Maps-sized fonts instead of the giant font currently used. Unfortunately, in Cesium's current state, decreasing the font size exposes rendering bugs and readability issues.

Additionally, no Sandcastles demonstrate the ability to create filled 2D areas with labels, again because this is buggy, often exhibiting z-fighting. To me, labeling a drawn area seems like an incredibly common use case, and it's disappointing to see that Cesium doesn't handle it well.

How can I get 3d models to move on the ground when I start elevation data?

Cesium’s existing functional interfaces can meet this requirement

在 2017年4月4日星期二 UTC+8下午9:50:18,Patrick Cozzi写道:

Hi, it’s better to start a new thread for these sorts of questions.

To clamp a model to the terrain set its height reference to CLAMP_TO_GROUND:

var entity = viewer.entities.add({

position : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-122.1958, 46.1915),

model : {

uri : ‘…/…/SampleData/models/CesiumMan/Cesium_Man.glb’,

heightReference : Cesium.HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND



Dynamically draw weather information in cesium,Similar to this effect: earth.nullschool.net

在 2017年4月4日星期二 UTC+8下午9:50:18,Patrick Cozzi写道:

Hi all,

If you are following this thread for feature requests and bug fixes, please join the new thread for 2018: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cesium-dev/25jPqr5ODg0



Has this happened yet?

@tzgardner not in CesiumJS directly but you can see a scale as well as use distance/area measurement tools in Cesium Stories (see https://cesium.com/docs/tutorials/stories-introduction/).

Otherwise you can build this functionality into your own app like the open source TerriaJS does, which is built on CesiumJS, example: https://nsw.digitaltwin.terria.io/

example: https://nsw.digitaltwin.terria.io/

This is exactly what I’m looking to do. Do you have a code snippet example how to implement this?

@tzgardner see https://terria.io/ and so https://github.com/TerriaJS/TerriaMap/

Though it will look like https://nationalmap.gov.au/ out of the box. For now.

1 Like

Can you point me to the relevant files?

I’m going to close this since it’s a 3 year old topic - @tzgardner please make a new topic for your question.