Cesium OSM Buildings and 3D Tileset Mis-Match

As shown in the photo above, the tilesets seem to be incorrectly placed with each other.

The Static Meshes in the photo were placed from Lat/Long using Transform Longitude Latitude Height Position to Unreal so I assume the 3D Building Tileset is in the correct position, is there a way to fix this?

Hi @Alec_Denny_Craine,

Thanks for letting us know about this discrepancy. Could you please share the coordinates of this location, so we can reproduce what you’re seeing?

Lat Long is 51.37507710045869, 0.10119699775553918. Seems to be some sort of scalling issue as this is around the world, which makes me think its an issue on my end.

One quick thing to check: do you have a transformation (location/rotatin/scale) applied to any of the Cesium3DTileset Actors or CesiumGeoreference Actor?

If not, can you tell us more about what you’re showing here? Is it Cesium OSM Buildings?

Ah! For some reason my tileset was rotated -0.2 Degrees in both Y and Z. Thanks for pointing this out, I should have checked! This seems to have fixed the issue :smiley:

Many thanks,


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