We've just updated Cesium OSM Buildings

Cesium OSM Buildings is a 3D Tileset derived from OpenStreetMap covering the entire world, available on Cesium ion. Read more about it here: Cesium OSM Buildings | cesium.com.

We regularly update Cesium OSM Buildings. This topic is a changelog so you can keep track of these changes. Subscribe to this topic to get notified for these updates by changing your notification setting to Watching at the bottom of this thread:


September 1

  • Updated to the latest OSM data as of August 28, 2020.
  • Improved handling of building parts inheriting incorrect heights from parent nodes. This previously caused some buildings to have missing pieces.
  • Added two new properties, cesium#longitude and cesium#latitude, to expose the location of the building center in degrees.

This last one now allows you to style buildings based on their distance to a known location! This is useful for creating heatmaps, to visualize the proximity of all buildings to an explosion site, or to a volcano for example:

Buildings in Auckland, New Zealand, colored by their proximity to Maungawhau, a dormant volcano.

Here’s a minimal Sandcastle example showing how to color Cesium OSM Buildings based on distance to a particular longitude and latitude.


October 1

  • Updated OSM data to timestamp 2020-09-29T02:28:02Z.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause very long and narrow tiles to be created in detailed cities, leading to less-than-optimal rendering and level-of-detail performance.
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If you use viewer.scene.primitives.add(Cesium.createOsmBuildings()) to include the OSM Buildings how can you easily remove the buildings if desired?

@Rob You can treat the OSM Buildings as any Cesium3DTileset, which has a show property. Setting this show property to false will hide the buildings!

@dzung thank you for the quick response. I also discovered that when I create the tileset using the call above I can save a reference to the returned object. I can then use viewer.scene.primitives.remove to remove that tileset from the scene.

Thanks again!

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November 1

Cesium OSM Buildings has been updated to OSM timestamp 2020-10-28T04:50:02Z.


Is there a way to force all buildings within a certain distance from the eye point to show? It seems buildings display at different eye distances or based on some various factors. I’d like to be able to have all buildings within a certain distance from the eye to display.

Hi Rob,

Are you referring to the camera’s position? We have an example to use a building’s location as the center to color buildings surrounding it (https://cesium.com/docs/tutorials/3d-tiles-styling/). You can do something similar and use the camera as the central position, and based on the distance of each building from the camera, use the show properly to display it.

For future questions related to Cesium OSM Buildings, please post it as a separate question under the “Support” tag. That way other users can filter and search for the question more easily.

January 4, 2021

Cesium OSM Buildings has been updated to OSM timestamp 2020-12-30T04:15:02Z.


February 2, 2021

Cesium OSM Buildings has been updated to use OSM data!

February 28, 2021

Cesium OSM Buildings has been updated to OSM timestamp 2021-02-28T12:37:06Z.

May 03, 2021

Cesium OSM Buildings has been updated to OSM timestamp 2021-04-28.

August 11, 2021

Cesium OSM Buildings has been updated to OSM timestamp 2021-08-07T04:17:43Z

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Is there any chance that the converter code will be released as Open source? How about other OSM objects like highways, rails, bridges, piers, benchs, trees, … ? There is a lot to show what`s within the data and you might benefit from the micromapping trend, like you can see here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/3D_Demo_Areas

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Is there any possibility to request an update to certain local OSM tiles - we have added a lot of data to OSM in order to work with localised sites. The last update seems some time ago!

I am new cesiumjs developer and i want to know how we can develop our own 3d building tiles from OSM building data and host these 3d building tileset on our own local server? Can some body guide me though step by step or any tutorial or some video which can guide my so that i can develop my city 3d building tiles and be able to host on my own server.

Hi All -

We have just released an updated Cesium OSM Buildings to the OSM Timestamp of 2024-03-08 16:41.

In addition we have also created a new OSM Buildings layer aligned with the Cesium World Bathymetry (CWB) data. This new 3D building layer is called - Cesium OSM Buildings for CWB - and it uses the same source data as the Cesium OSM Buildings layer, but with the base heights of the buildings based on the current Cesium World Bathymetry data.

Cesium OSM Buildings should be used with Cesium World Terrain
Cesium OSM Buildings for CWB should be used with Cesium World Bathymetry

We will be following through with quarterly updates to both the Cesium OSM Buildings and Cesium OSM Buildings for CWB layers with the next update towards the end of June.


Hi @Dave_Braig,

Is another update planned for the OSM dataset?
