OpenLayers + Cesium + OSM building


Im trying to work with Cesium and show the OSM 3d buildings.

I could not find the functionality for it in Cesium and I tried to use OpenLayers which support OSM buildings and Cesium.

But in this case the buildings were remaining on 2d layer and did not response to the titling and rotation.

Also I found Cesium3d Tile and tried them. But Of course it would notwork with my current version of Cesium (and I could not find the proper cesium.js which already supports Cesium3DTileset)

var tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({

url: ‘

Also does Cesium3DTileset supports links from OSM like ‘’?

Thank you for any answer, Im suffering with it for quite some time :frowning: