I am new to this, so please bear with me. I currently using Google 3d tiles and arial view APIs with unity and cesium, but I want to use OSM buildings instead as they don’t look distorted. Can I
1 - Use OSM buildings tile set instead of the Google tile set? If yes, please point me in the right direction?
Since this only contains the building data, you’ll want to combine this with a terrain dataset, like Cesium World Terrain – also on the asset depot.
Cesium World Terrain and Cesium OSM Buildings are available to all ion users, even community accounts! You can check out the pricing page here for more information about the data and streaming limits for your account tier.
Though you can technically use OSM Buildings with Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles, they may not look good together. Many cities in Photorealistic 3D Tiles include photogrammetry of their buildings, which can overlay with their appearance in OSM Buildings. However, OSM Buildings may include building data in areas where there are none in Photorealistic 3D Tiles. So the quality depends on what areas of the world you’re trying to view.
Let me know if you have any follow-up questions or concerns!
Hi @zardtomcat, apologies for the delay! I was out last week.
You can use any of those options, but I recommend going with Cesium World Terrain + Bing Maps Aerial. The other options will add different imagery layers to the terrain, like labels or flat road views.