Cesium point tile rendering with deckgl

I have asked this question on Stackoverflow.

Basically I am trying to render a cesium point tile data on deckgl with mapbox basemap.
Point cloud gets rendered but is sort of hanging in air. Seems like projection issue, but I am not sure how to make it compatible.

Any input would be helpful.

There are many possible reasons for why the height of this point cloud data does not seem to match.

It might be related to the projection that is used. It might also be that there is some tile.transform in that data that transforms the points to a certain height (maybe to match the geoid and not only the ellipsoid). In that case, one couldn’t even say that the positions are necessarily “wrong” - only that they do not match what one might expect. And finally: It might simply be ~“a bug, somewhere”…

Some further investigation might be possible, but that would rather be exploratory (i.e. aiming at ruling out possible reasons , and maybe confirming the actual reason). Is that tileset available publicly, or can it be shared?

EDIT: One first debugging step could be to look at this asset in Cesium ion, and see whether it matches the ellipsoid surface there.