I’m using UE5’s LiDAR point cloud plugin to render some geospatial data on top of the Cesium World Terrain.
Based on the instructions here: Point Clouds – Cesium, I reproject my data to EPSG:4326 before import. However, I find that to properly align with the Cesium tiles, I need to apply a scale factor of 0.85.
When importing through Cesium ION, this scale factor is applied under the hood, but it is not made obvious to the user that this is happening. The instructions say “Cesium ion reprojects your point cloud to EPSG:4326”, with no mention of any scaling.
Does anyone know the source of this scale mismatch? It’s not a showstopper, but I find it odd that it’s not documented.
Due to privacy concerns and rendering optimizations, “just use Cesium ION to import the point clouds” is not an acceptable solution here.