Cesium pricing plans

We are currently trying to understand the potential price of Cesium usage in Unity using Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles and Bing imagery.
So, with Bing sessions, everything looks clear. We found the amount of Bing Maps sessions on your pricing page for each plan. But with Google tiles, it’s getting harder. There is a question in FAQ where you write that 1,000 root tiles/month are free for each plan. But how can we monitor the usage of Google tiles? On the Cesium ion Usage panel, we can monitor Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles Sessions that sound not the same as root tiles. So, what do root tiles mean?
Also, how to increase the available root tiles, if the amount of 1,000 is for each plan?
Another question is, what will happen if some Plan things (like data streaming GB, google, or bing sessions) are ended? Can we somehow get information about it in the application?
Thanks in advance!

Hi @tsktEugene,

On the Cesium ion Usage panel, we can monitor Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles Sessions that sound not the same as root tiles. So, what do root tiles mean?

The “sessions” shown in the Cesium ion UI are the same as the “root tile requests.” What Google calls a “root tile” is just the main tileset.json that is initially requested at the start of a session.

Another question is, what will happen if some Plan things (like data streaming GB, google, or bing sessions) are ended?

The Cesium ion limits are “soft” in that we won’t automatically cut you off if you exceed them (blatant abuse notwithstanding). Instead, we’ll reach out to you to discuss.

Can we somehow get information about it in the application?

I don’t believe we have an API for this currently.

Also, how to increase the available root tiles, if the amount of 1,000 is for each plan?

Probably best to reach out to our sales folks for this one, as I don’t know the details myself: