Cesium Stories SaaS share links and SSO

Hi - is there a way for Cesium Ion Self hosted to support SSO on share links so that the user needs to authenticate with Ion before being able to access content?


There currently isn’t a way to ask a user to authenticate shared story links through SSO. Can you please describe your use case for this, I will create an internal ticket for the team to look at adding this functionality to the roadmap.


Hi Ankit,

I can see the scenario in an enterprise context where a story would like to be shared on a project however it needs to have limited access/distribution and it would be preferable not to have a link that anyone could click on and access.

In which case, if we can enforce a SSO login at point of accessing the link to the story, we can ensure that only specific users have access.

This would be relevant for confidential projects/facilities, etc or simply something that needs a limited distribution.


Thank you for providing me with this. I have created an internal issue for our product team to look at adding this to our roadmap. I have also linked this thread with that issue so that we can provide you an update on this in the future.
