I’m trying to eliminate some of the random bumps in the tileset (see attached photo), I’ve made it so I can delete a part of the tileset, I was wondering if it was possible to re-add the tileset back but without the height data so that what we’ve named the ‘ski jump’ can be removed and the ground still looks the same. Any help would be appreciated.
Are you using Cesium World Terrain? Unfortunately the height data is baked into the tileset itself, so it’s not possible to remove it or flatten the terrain in any way. We usually recommend using the Cesium Cartographic Polygon to hide parts of tilesets and replace them with higher resolution geometry.
It’s also possible to make clips of Cesium World Terrain using Cesium ion. In other words, you can export a portion of terrain as a glTF, which enables you to do things like modify it with 3D editing tools. But it looks like you’re using the Bing Maps Roads overlay, which is not allowed to be clipped according to their Terms of Use.
But let me know if I’ve misunderstood your situation in any way. Hopefully we can find a workaround!
You can also upload a GeoTIFF with new heights for your area of interest to Cesium ion, and select Cesium World Terrain as the base. You can then use the composite terrain it creates in Cesium for Unreal, and overlay Bing or any other raster overlay on top of it.