Customize the terrain height

Is there a way to customize the terrain height within a specific area when rendering terrain with Cesium for Unreal?

Hi @yubo_jing, there are a couple of options…

If you’re using a Cesium ion “terrain” tileset such as Cesium World Terrain, then you can customize heights in an area by uploading a GeoTIFF to Cesium ion containing your customized heights, and choosing Cesium World Terrain as the base. Then you can use the new terrain asset that Cesium ion creates in Cesium for Unreal.

If you’re using a true 3D Tiles tileset such as Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles, then the above won’t work. However, you can use Cartographic Polygons to remove parts of the globe, and then manually replace them with your own Unreal Engine elements.

I am using my own terrain resources and rendering the entire Earth’s terrain through an ACesium3DTileset object and a URL. Which situation does this belong to, and how can I control the terrain height within a certain area based on the existing terrain in this scenario?

So that I can answer your question, can you tell me how you prepared your terrain resources for using with a Cesium3DTileset? Which tool did you use, most importantly?

Flatten the ground surface or Terrain inside a polygon Similar to the effect achieved here through vertex displacement, if I am using Cesium Ion, this doesn’t actually modify the terrain height. Is there a way to modify the terrain height in a specific area at runtime?

Here is a way.
1.Fulfill the TerrainExaggeration, see details: CesiumforUnreal TerrainExaggeration实现笔记 - 哔哩哔哩
2.Set the TerrainExaggeration value at Runtime. Let’s take the takeoff of an aircraft as an example. When the aircraft takes off, set it to 0 followed by “Refresh Tileset” , and the terrain will be flat. After taking off, set it to 1.0 followed by “Refresh Tileset”, and the terrain will be restored to normal.
3.Switch the view between different cameras at the appropriate time, and It will be no difference whether the regional terrain is flat or the overall terrain is flat.

The following is another way.

  1. Apply Clipping in Cesium for Unreal to the tiles that are to be replaced.
  2. Generate landscape in UE from the imagery picture and DEM data.You can search for the process online for more details. The landscape,let’s say “fake terrain”, will match the surrounding terrain.
  3. Since the “fake terrain” is a landscape in UE, You can make any modifications to it.