Cesium v1.110 Introduced Problems with Polygons Containing Holes

We recently began using polygons to draw noise contours. We want some transparency so that the map can be seen through the polygons, and we don’t want the polygons overlapping. So, we are creating holes in the polygon hierarchy for polygons containing other polygons.

This all worked very well in Cesium v1.109. However, in the latest version (1.110) the resulting polygons have many anomalies. Some of the polygons have strange lines rendered in/through them. And there are strange artifacts that seem to “float” around particularly noticeable as you tilt and rotate the scene. It’s the same effect we see when an object is drawn below ground and the scene is tilted.

Here’s a Sandcastle example that looked great in v1.109 but has these issues in 1.110.



Thanks for bringing this up @robmilton!

I have submitted a fix for this issue. I would expect it to go into the next release on November 1.

Thanks @Gabby_Getz!

This looks like the same issue I encountered and reported here: Cross-platform PolygonHierarchy rendering issue

Glad to hear there is a fix! Thank you!