CesiumJS depolyed a new version, however the Access token I generated stopped working. It is not the default token. How do I get this token to work? I am trying to access a WMS, but getting error:
{“code”:“ResourceNotFound”,“message”:“Resource Not Found: /v1/assets/2426648/endpoint?access_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkOGU5Y2RlOC00YjNiLTQ4ZmQtYWU2MC00M2RjOWQzZDhiY2UiLCJpZCI6MjMxNjM5LCJpYXQiOjE3Mjc3OTg4NTV9.bqLb49JKoX-cASNKyk8Y-SEZBBdTvDoNP24Mw3kwpbk&assetRegion=us-east-1”}
I would expect the ION terrain to display the watermark (or not work at all), but the ability to get to MapServer Message? to work just fine.
What could be the issue?
Actually, better questions is, should I be able to use a cesium Imagry Provider (Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider) without an access token?
Thanks much,