Change Polylines to old version


I can’t render polylines on 2D view yet ( ). I want to change the polylines to version b15, before create material for polylines.

What files and functions I need to change in addition to Polyline.js and PolylineCollection.js?


Tamy, there’s no way to go back without simply using b15. That being said, the polyline issue looks like it’s a mac-specific bug and we hope to have it fixed soon. Keep your eye #945:

I believe the problem is NVIDIA.

My tests on chrome and firefox:

With error:

Windows 7 32 bits with NVIDIA GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS

Mac with Intel HD Graphics 4000 e NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M

Without error:

Windows 7 32 and 64 with Intel HD Graphics

This was just merged into master. #950.


I’m still having the same problem. And now there’s an error on 3D too.




Tamy, I’m sorry to hear you are still having problems. Can you provide us the OS, video-card, and browser version for the machine you are still seeing the problem on. Also, be sure you have the latest video card driver.

Also, as a shot in the dark, try clearing your cache or if you are in Chrome, running in Incognito mode to see if that has any effect.