Changing Cesium3DTileFeature's properties

Hello all,

When I called the Cesium3DTileFeature.setProperty by passing both name and value, the property is changed, while what I found strange is the time I reload the 3d tiles dataset, all the changes are not saved, I can see the properties are the same after edit, did I miss something here?


I’m not sure what you mean by reloading the tileset, but any time a tile is unloaded, either if the tileset is destroyed or it has not been visible for a while and the cache is full, its properties will be lost. The second case is a problem that we will try to address eventually. Did I cover the situation that you’re facing?

在 2017年7月28日星期五 UTC+8上午7:12:34,Sean Lilley写道:

I'm not sure what you mean by reloading the tileset, but any time a tile is unloaded, either if the tileset is destroyed or it has not been visible for a while and the cache is full, its properties will be lost. The second case is a problem that we will try to address eventually. Did I cover the situation that you're facing?

On Thursday, July 27, 2017 at 2:56:35 AM UTC-4, wrote:Hello all,
When I called the Cesium3DTileFeature.setProperty by passing both name and value, the property is changed, while what I found strange is the time I reload the 3d tiles dataset, all the changes are not saved, I can see the properties are the same after edit, did I miss something here?

Thanks, if I understood correctly, setproperty function still has some bugs to be fixed.Is there a work around to edit the 3d tiles property and permanently save the changes.


A workaround could be to listen to a tileUnloadEvent and tileLoadEvent of Cesium3DTileset. When the tileUnloadEvent occurs you can save the properties, and then reapply them on the tileLoadEvent.