Hi Reza,
I am not sure if I understand what you want to do.
Please note that 3DCityDB currently does not produce
the "3DTiles" file format. Instead, 3DCityDB provides its
own tiling schema (this was developed even two years
before 3DTiles came up) and within each tile the
3D geometries are encoded in glTF (and/or KML depending
on the exporter settings). These can then be loaded and
managed with our 3DCityDB Webclient, which is an extension
of the Cesium Viewer by tiling and layer management
(and links to Google Spreadsheets and FusionTables). See
The following paper explains our Cesium-based 3D Webclient:
There is also a hands-on tutorial to go through all the steps from setting up 3DCityDB over importing CityGML to generating the tiled glTF export and to set up a viewer project:
If you have created 3DTiles datasets using other conversion
tools or your own software, you can load them in the
3DCityDB Webclient as well. Just load the viewer from
and use the function “add/configure layer” in the toolbox
menu (top left of the viewer). You will just have to enter
the URL of your 3DTiles dataset and click on “add layer”.
This works with KML files, too.
Best regards