Is CityJSON officially supported?

Is there support for CityJSON already, or is there any plans to officially support it in the future?

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Hi James,

Welcome to the Cesium Community!

Currently CityJSON is not supported and is not in our near-future roadmap. However, it is under consideration and will be discussed more thoroughly within our product team. Thank you for your suggestion!

Hi @dzung, is there any update on this topic?

Hello - There is currently no roadmap for CityJSON to 3D Tiles support. As Dzung mentioned before, we have it listed, but no current development plans around it.

Iā€™m a fan of CityJSON as well and would support the integration as well. With it currently not beeing supported the citygml-tools library might be suitable as a workaround for you.

Hi there. I am trying to import a CityJSON file on ION but, as stated above, there is no official support for such a file. Thus, I tried converting it to CityGML and uploading it afterwards but to no avail. I tried the conversion with two different tools: citygml-tools and 3DCityDB (both officially supporting this kind of operation). The error ION gives me is in the tiling pipeline and it is Missing spatial reference system (srsName) and no source SRS given (--source-srs).. However, I checked the file and each building starts with something like this:

  <gml:Envelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::6875" srsDimension="3">
    <gml:lowerCorner>6784419.238487907 5037379.480861005 0.0</gml:lowerCorner>
    <gml:upperCorner>6784432.31590414 5037395.061728267 6.0</gml:upperCorner>

First element is:

<CityModel xmlns:xAL="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0" xmlns:bldg="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:app="" xmlns="" xmlns:gen="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Can you help me solve this issue?