Citygml to 3d tiles

I have citygml files in both GML and XML . I have used 3d buildings tiler for conversion.

  • Issues is 3D building tiler don`t support cityGML in XML format
  • Texture and other attribute information are not coming in 3d tiler…

I am uploading the sample dataset also. Its an urgent one. Please help me. (1.4 MB)

@Amar_Satpathy This CityGML file is invalid. When I try to process it with ion I see the below error:

If you look in the file itself you see the CRS is listed as srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs,crs:EPSG:31467", which is exactly what the error is pointing to. This is not a valid srsName. If you change it to srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:31467" everything tiles fine.

If you are seeing different behavior, please let us know.

I have downloaded another citygml data. Issues is same.

Secondly, Please help me to the procedures for importing the existing texture into 3d tiles. By using 3D Building Tiler.

I am searching a lot for solution.

Also, uploading the sample dataset. (6.0 MB)

Hi there. I had similar issues and I “solved” by manually inserting a “gml:boundedBy” element with corresponding “gml:Envelope” just below the “CityModel”. I tried on the attached data and it seems to work. Hope it helps.