I have a polygon which I use to clip the 3D Tileset. and the clipping works for all other tileset except Google photorealistic tiles. Can anybody explain why is this happening.
existing code of clipping
tileset.clippingPlanes = new Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection({
planes: clippingPlanes,
edgeColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
unionClippingRegions: false,
enabled: true,
// model matrix for tileset.root.computedTransform identity
modelMatrix: Cesium.Matrix4.inverse(
new Cesium.Matrix4()
// model matrix for tileset.root.computedTransform with value
modelMatrix: Cesium.Matrix4.inverse(
new Cesium.Matrix4()
), */
Hi @saadat2930, can you provide a Sandcastle link demonstrating the problem? It is hard to understand the problem from your snippet, since it doesn’t show how clippingPlanes
was defined.
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Hi @jjhembd
Thanks, the issue was on my side. here is my working code for anyone clipping 3d tileset using geojson.
const clipTileSet = async (tileset: any) => {
const clockwiseCheck = booleanClockwise(lot.geoJSON.geometry.coordinates[0]);
const coordinates: any[] = [];
if (clockwiseCheck) {
for (let i = lot.geoJSON.geometry.coordinates[0].length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
} else {
lot.geoJSON.geometry.coordinates[0].forEach((coords, index) => {
if (index !== lot.geoJSON.geometry.coordinates[0].length - 1) {
coordinates.push([coords[0], coords[1]]);
const hole_pts: any[] = [];
const pts: any[] = [];
coordinates.forEach((coords, index) => {
hole_pts.push(new Cartesian3.fromDegrees(coords[0], coords[1]));
const terrainPositions = await getTerrElevationforPoints(viewer, hole_pts);
terrainPositions.forEach((coords, index) => {
pts.push(new Cartesian3.fromRadians(coords.longitude, coords.latitude, coords.height));
const clippingPlanes = [];
const pointsLength = pts.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < pointsLength; ++i) {
const nextIndex = (i + 1) % pointsLength;
let midpoint = Cartesian3.add(pts[i], pts[nextIndex], new Cartesian3());
midpoint = Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(midpoint, 0.5, midpoint);
const up = Cartesian3.normalize(midpoint, new Cartesian3());
let right = Cartesian3.subtract(pts[nextIndex], midpoint, new Cartesian3());
right = Cartesian3.normalize(right, right);
let normal = Cartesian3.cross(right, up, new Cartesian3());
normal = Cartesian3.normalize(normal, normal);
/* const originCenteredPlane = new Plane(normal, 0.0);
const distance = Plane.getPointDistance(originCenteredPlane, midpoint);
clippingPlanes.push(new ClippingPlane(normal, distance)); */
const plane: any = new Plane.fromPointNormal(midpoint, normal);
const clippingPlane: any = ClippingPlane.fromPlane(plane);
if (globe) {
globe.clippingPlanes = new ClippingPlaneCollection({
planes: clippingPlanes,
edgeColor: Color.WHITE,
tileset.clippingPlanes = new ClippingPlaneCollection({
planes: clippingPlanes,
edgeColor: Color.WHITE,
unionClippingRegions: false,
enabled: true,
modelMatrix: Matrix4.inverse(tileset._initialClippingPlanesOriginMatrix, new Matrix4()),
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Is there anyway to clip/mask an area of the Google photorealistic tiles? Or does this code work with Google photorealistic tiles?
I have a new 3D building that I’m showing, but the trees are sticking through it currently. Thanks!