I am trying to use clipping planes on tilesets that are organized as follow :
- a master tileset which references several external tiles as children.
- the master tileset has no defined transformation (identity).
- the different transformations are defined at child level in the external tileset or below if the child is also a sub master tileset.
Using the clipping plane example from the sandcastle on such dataset:
-When trying to apply a clipping plane to such tileset, the entire tileset is "hidden".
-When the clipping plane is applied on one of the child, it's is working.
I have build a small dataset based on a master tileset and an external tileset as a single child. If the transformation is defined at the master level and not into the child, it is working but not in the opposite case. I can share the test data if needed.
Is there some restriction on the way to use clipping planes with external tileset or it should be considered as a bug ?
Cesium 1.45
Chrome Version 66.0.3359.139
Best regards,