Cone, Cylinder and CZML

I’ve read czml-content wiki ( and have noticed, that not all options might yet be supported. How to get knowledge of what is supported, and what is not?

For example, I can’t get the czml Cone work. Here’s the example of my czml:

var czml = [{
id: “Cone1”,
label: {
fillColor: {
rgbaf: [1,1,1,1]
text: “ConeText”
cone: {
radius: {
number: 5000,
innerHalfAngle: {
number: 45
outerHalfAngle: {
number: 25
minimumClockAngle: {
number: 45
maximumClockAngle: {
number: 300,
capMaterial: {
solidColor: {
rgbaf: [1,1,1,1],
outerMaterial: {
solidColor: {
rgbaf: [1,1,1,1],
innerMaterial: {
solidColor: {
rgbaf: [1,1,1,1]
position: {
cartographicDegrees: [21.38,41.3,1000]

And here it is, pasted to Cesium: I see white label, but there’s no cone on the map.

Finally, I want to use cylinders in czml, but it seems dynamic cylinders are not yet supported. I could try to write my own DynamicCylinderVisualizer, for this I need working example of Cone, Pyramid or something similar. Where could I find some correct czml examples with theese objects?