Convert GeoJson Polyline entity to Polyline Volume


I am wondering if there’s any way to convert a GeoJson polyline into a polyline volume.



//Example 2: Load lines with entity specific styling options.

Sandcastle.addToolbarButton(‘Lines with entity styling’, function() {

var promise = Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource.load(’…/…/SampleData/Noise_Walls_Lines_Interpolated_WGS84_Symbols.geojson’, {

clampToGround : false,

//extrudedHeight : 300.0,

width : 10.0,

cornerType: Cesium.CornerType.MITERED,

material : Cesium.Color.GREEN


console.log(‘adding data’);

promise.then(function(dataSource) {


//Get the array of entities

var entities = dataSource.entities.values;

for (var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++)


//Set the height and the material of each polyline

var entity = entities[i];

//entity.polygon.width = 10;

if( == ‘Proposed Wall’) {

entity.polyline.material = Cesium.Color.YELLOW;


if( == ‘Not Proposed Wall’) {

entity.polyline.material = Cesium.Color.DEEPSKYBLUE;


if( == ‘Existing Wall - Reconstructed’) {

entity.polyline.material = Cesium.Color.DARKVIOLET;


if( == ‘Existing Wall - Remain Unchanged’) {

entity.polyline.material = Cesium.Color.DEEPPINK;




//Display any errrors encountered while loading.




//Reset the scene when switching demos.

Sandcastle.reset = function() {


//Set the camera to a US centered tilted view and switch back to moving in world coordinates., 45.13918514,), new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 10000.0));;


Noise_Walls_Lines_Interpolated_WGS84_Symbols.geojson (1.64 MB)

You just need to create a polylineVolume on the entity in addition to the default polyline (so they can be seen from above).

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’);

var promise = Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource.load(’…/…/SampleData/Noise_Walls_Lines_Interpolated_WGS84_Symbols.geojson’, {

clampToGround : false,

//extrudedHeight : 300.0,

width : 10.0,

cornerType: Cesium.CornerType.MITERED,

material : Cesium.Color.GREEN


console.log(‘adding data’);

promise.then(function(dataSource) {


//Get the array of entities

var entities = dataSource.entities.values;

for (var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++)


//Set the height and the material of each polyline

var entity = entities[i];

entity.polylineVolume = new Cesium.PolylineVolumeGraphics({

positions: entity.polyline.positions,

shape: [

new Cesium.Cartesian2( 0.3,,

new Cesium.Cartesian2( 0.3, 0.0),

new Cesium.Cartesian2(-0.3,,

new Cesium.Cartesian2(-0.3, 0.0)


material: Cesium.Color.RED


if ( == ‘Proposed Wall’) {

entity.polyline.material = Cesium.Color.YELLOW;

entity.polylineVolume.material = Cesium.Color.YELLOW;


if ( == ‘Not Proposed Wall’) {

entity.polyline.material = Cesium.Color.DEEPSKYBLUE;

entity.polylineVolume.material = Cesium.Color.DEEPSKYBLUE;


if ( == ‘Existing Wall - Reconstructed’) {

entity.polyline.material = Cesium.Color.DARKVIOLET;

entity.polylineVolume.material = Cesium.Color.DARKVIOLET;


if ( == ‘Existing Wall - Remain Unchanged’) {

entity.polyline.material = Cesium.Color.DEEPPINK;

entity.polylineVolume.material = Cesium.Color.DEEPPINK;





//Display any errors encountered while loading.




Thank you so much! That was exactly what i was looking for!

  • Peter