Converting KML to CZML

Our lab at NASA is currently trying to visualize KML files inside Cesium. I tried to use the CZML-Writer, and I read somewhere that is has the capability of converting KML to CZML, but it's been difficult to get it going due to somewhat sparse documentation. Could you please help in this endeavor? I have the czml-writer in Eclipse but I am not sure how to get it running and how to feed the KML files and have it output CZML.

Thank you,

Native KML support is currently in development in the “kml” branch of Cesium. While not all features are yet implemented, the features that do work, work well. If you check out the branch in Git and build it, you can just drag/drop KML or KMZ files into Cesium Viewer to try it out.

Awesome! I got it working. Thank you.

Glad to hear it. I just started adding support for GroundOverlay. Once that’s done I plan on looking into NetworkLinks. At that point I think we can bring KML support into master and work on additional features as needed/requested. Hopefully this will all happen by b29 or b30.

It's great to hear about what's in store for the next versions! Please
keep us updated :slight_smile:


How can I get to kmk branch of cesium ?

Hello Siddharth,

Cesium now has built in KML support. See this example:

