I just updated the plugin to the latest version (today version 1.27 / UE5.1.1), since then I cannot launch my project anymore .
If I disable the cesium plugin in the uproject file, projects launch well.
Here’s the error log :
[2023.06.08-19.35.43:486][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Warning: 3 Shader compiler errors compiling WorldGridMaterial for platform PCD3D_SM6:
[2023.06.08-19.35.43:486][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Warning: Shader debug info dumped to: “E:/Git Unreal/PROJECTNAME/Saved/ShaderDebugInfo/PCD3D_SM6/WorldGridMaterial/Default/DepthPosOnlyNoPixelPipeline/FCesiumPointAttenuationVertexFactory/TDepthOnlyVS(true)/0”
C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.1/Engine/Shaders/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf(23,57): Shader TDepthOnlyVS, Permutation 0, VF FCesiumPointAttenuationVertexFactory:
/Engine/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf(23,57): error: no member named ‘InstanceId’ in ‘FPositionOnlyVertexFactoryInput’
const uint EyeIndex = (IsInstancedStereo() ? ( (Input.InstanceId) & 1) : 0) ;
~~~~~ ^
[2023.06.08-19.35.43:486][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Warning: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.1/Engine/Shaders/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf(26,64): Shader TDepthOnlyVS, Permutation 0, VF FCesiumPointAttenuationVertexFactory:
/Engine/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf(26,64): error: no member named ‘InstanceId’ in ‘FPositionOnlyVertexFactoryInput’
ResolvedView = (ResolveView( (IsInstancedStereo() ? ( (Input.InstanceId) & 1) : 0) )) ;
~~~~~ ^
Just to update: a fix for this was included in the Cesium for Unreal v1.27.1 release. We have submitted the new release to the Unreal Marketplace and are waiting on them to publish.