Crash with latest version (v1.27) UE5.1.1

Hi ,

I just updated the plugin to the latest version (today version 1.27 / UE5.1.1), since then I cannot launch my project anymore .
If I disable the cesium plugin in the uproject file, projects launch well.

Here’s the error log :

[2023.06.08-19.35.43:486][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Warning: 3 Shader compiler errors compiling WorldGridMaterial for platform PCD3D_SM6:
[2023.06.08-19.35.43:486][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Warning: Shader debug info dumped to: “E:/Git Unreal/PROJECTNAME/Saved/ShaderDebugInfo/PCD3D_SM6/WorldGridMaterial/Default/DepthPosOnlyNoPixelPipeline/FCesiumPointAttenuationVertexFactory/TDepthOnlyVS(true)/0”
C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.1/Engine/Shaders/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf(23,57): Shader TDepthOnlyVS, Permutation 0, VF FCesiumPointAttenuationVertexFactory:
/Engine/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf(23,57): error: no member named ‘InstanceId’ in ‘FPositionOnlyVertexFactoryInput’
const uint EyeIndex = (IsInstancedStereo() ? ( (Input.InstanceId) & 1) : 0) ;
~~~~~ ^

[2023.06.08-19.35.43:486][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Warning: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.1/Engine/Shaders/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf(26,64): Shader TDepthOnlyVS, Permutation 0, VF FCesiumPointAttenuationVertexFactory:
/Engine/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf(26,64): error: no member named ‘InstanceId’ in ‘FPositionOnlyVertexFactoryInput’
ResolvedView = (ResolveView( (IsInstancedStereo() ? ( (Input.InstanceId) & 1) : 0) )) ;
~~~~~ ^

[2023.06.08-19.35.43:486][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Warning: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.1/Engine/Shaders/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf(): Shader TDepthOnlyVS, Permutation 0, VF FCesiumPointAttenuationVertexFactory:
D3DCompileToDxil failed. Error code: Erreur non spécifiée (0x80004005).

[2023.06.08-19.35.43:486][ 0]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ShaderCompiler\ShaderCompiler.cpp] [Line: 4668]
/Engine/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf:23:57: error: no member named ‘InstanceId’ in ‘FPositionOnlyVertexFactoryInput’
const uint EyeIndex = (IsInstancedStereo() ? ( (Input.InstanceId) & 1) : 0) ;
~~~~~ ^
/Engine/Private/PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf:26:64: error: no member named ‘InstanceId’ in ‘FPositionOnlyVertexFactoryInput’
ResolvedView = (ResolveView( (IsInstancedStereo() ? ( (Input.InstanceId) & 1) : 0) )) ;
~~~~~ ^
D3DCompileToDxil failed. Error code: Erreur non spécifiée (0x80004005).
Failed to compile default material /Engine/EngineMaterials/WorldGridMaterial.WorldGridMaterial!

I responded to this here:

Have the same problem here. You have to enable “Instanced Stereo” to reproduce the issue.

Ok, thanks. I can reproduce this in UE 5.1.1 and Cesium for Unreal v1.27.0 with “Instanced Stereo” enabled. We will investigate.

Thanks for the reply!
UE 5.2 and Cesium for Unreal v1.27.0 have the same problem.

Hi all,

Just to update: a fix for this was included in the Cesium for Unreal v1.27.1 release. We have submitted the new release to the Unreal Marketplace and are waiting on them to publish.