Creating Entities with EPSG 32643 Polygon Geometry

Hello All,

I am trying to visualize a polygon in Cesium. I understand that I would need to create an entity and set its polygon > hierarchy attribute to a polygon geometry. However the examples that I came across in the documentation either have the geometry coordinates in degrees or radians.

The polygon geometry that I intend to visualize is projected in EPSG 32643. For example - my polygon geometry coordinates are:

POLYGON ((478413 3773471, 478413 3773470.5, 478412.5 3773470.5, 478412 3773470.5, 478412 3773469, 478413 3773469, 478413 3773467.5, 478415.5 3773467.5, 478415.5 3773469, 478413.5 3773469, 478413.5 3773469.5, 478414 3773469.5, 478414.5 3773469.5, 478414.5 3773471, 478413 3773471))

I would be grateful if someone here can guide me in visualizing such polygons.


Abhishek V. Potnis
Ph.D. Candidate,
Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Hello @Abhishek_Potnis,

Cesium only supports positions in the WGS84 ECEF reference frame. In order to visualize your polygon, you will have to project your points from EPSG 32643 into EPSG 4326 (WGS84) before you create your polygon. You can try to use a library like to help with this.

Best regards,

Cesium Staff

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Hey @hannah

Thanks a lot for your response to my query.

I will work on using the proj4js library suggested by you to project my polygon geometries to the WGS84 EPSG 4326 reference frame.


Abhishek V. Potnis
Ph.D. Candidate,
Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.