CRS:84 not equals EPSG:4326

Hi all.
Why Cesium not change axis ordering on WMS 1.3.0 on switch CRS from CRS:84 to EPSG:4326 ?

Example EPSG:4326 BBOX=0,90,90,180
Example CRS:84 BBOX=90,0,180,90

maybe I'm wrong ?
What happen if I change crs to EPSG:4326:

Correct example in CRS:84:

Cesium currently only supports only supports web mercator and WGS84, so you might have to reproject your data before loading it into Cesium. See the discussion on that here (

Although there is a PR open that might be adding support for more projections:

Both CRS:84 and EPSG:4326 is WGS84. Deference from CRS:84 and EPSG:4326 is axis ordering lon/lat or lat/lon
Look to WebMapServiceImageryProvider constructor:
        // Use SRS or CRS based on the WMS version.
        parameters.bbox = '{westProjected},{southProjected},{eastProjected},{northProjected}';
        parameters.width = '{width}';
        parameters.height = '{height}';
        if (parseFloat(resource.queryParameters.version) >= 1.3) {
            // Use CRS with 1.3.0 and going forward.
            // For GeographicTilingScheme, use CRS:84 vice EPSG:4326 to specify lon, lat (x, y) ordering for
            // bbox requests.
   = defaultValue(, options.tilingScheme && options.tilingScheme.projection instanceof WebMercatorProjection ? 'EPSG:3857' : 'CRS:84');
        } else {
            // SRS for WMS 1.1.0 or 1.1.1.
            parameters.srs = defaultValue(options.srs, options.tilingScheme && options.tilingScheme.projection instanceof WebMercatorProjection ? 'EPSG:3857' : 'EPSG:4326');
In WMS 1.3.0 we can use EPSG:4326, but axis ordering hardcoded in code.
For EPSG:4326 in WMS 1.3.0 must be invert axis ordering. Example:
        if (parseFloat(resource.queryParameters.version) >= 1.3) {
            // Use CRS with 1.3.0 and going forward.
            // For GeographicTilingScheme, use CRS:84 vice EPSG:4326 to specify lon, lat (x, y) ordering for
            // bbox requests.
   = defaultValue(, options.tilingScheme && options.tilingScheme.projection instanceof WebMercatorProjection ? 'EPSG:3857' : 'CRS:84');

            if ( === 'EPSG:4326') {
                // Change axis ordering
                parameters.bbox = '{southProjected},{westProjected},{northProjected},{eastProjected}';
        } else {

In local repo I fixed this, and work fine. However, I want the changes to be made in main stream repository

Oh, thanks for the clarification and posting the fix! We’d absolutely appreciate a pull request to add this fix into Cesium. Check out the contributors guide:

Let me know if you have any questions.