Custom scale from ImageMaterialProperty

Hey, everybody. I need to make smooth scaling for ImageMaterialProperty. Here is my code where I create Entity:

                                              let plane = new Entity({
						position: position,
						orientation: orientation,
						properties: {
							type: 'icon'
						parent: airObj,
						name: 'Icon',
						plane: {
							show: true,
							plane: new Plane(Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, 0.0),
							dimensions: new Cartesian2(30000.0, 30000.0),
							material: new ImageMaterialProperty({
								image: airs,
								transparent: true,

I have my custom one but it shakes the picture too much:

cesium.viewer.scene.preRender.addEventListener(function () {
				let cameraHeight =;

				// var newSize = 25000.0 * (cameraHeight / 2000000);
				// newSize = Math.max(newSize, 100.0);
				dataSource.entities.values.forEach((item) => {
					 if (cameraHeight > minHeight && cameraHeight < maxHeight)             item._children[0]._plane._dimensions.setValue(new Cartesian2(newSize, newSize));
					if (cameraHeight  > 1000000) {
						item._children[0].show = true;
					}else {
						item._children[0].show = false;


Thanks in advance for your advice and help!