Does the browser console output a more descriptive error message, or perhaps a network error?
Also, if you’ve got a heightmap/DEM and you’re trying to generate quantized-mesh, you could upload it to There is an offline CLI version of that available too:
For attaching photos, looks like google groups only allows moderators/admins to attach photos for some reason, but I just enabled attaching files so you should at least be able to do that. You can also just upload any screenshots to and link them here.
I know about Cesium ion and i already use it and serve from ion server.
but later if data amount is larger. i have to pay for using ion server.
So i trying to find how to serve terrain from my(custom) server.
Thank you
The on-premise tools have only recently been made public. Right now the only way to buy (or just get more info/evaluate etc.) is to shoot Tim ( an email.