Problem with Cesium 3D tiles in offline environment

The problem is when I loading terrain to CesiumTerrainProvider in viewer, I got an error occurred “Zh” Failed to obtain terrain tile X:0 Y:0 Level: 0. Error Message: Range Error: Invalid typed array length 8894653434”.

I tried 2 option to create terrain files. The first one is Package ctb-quantized-mesh · GitHub which can create layer.json. The second is homme/cesium-terrain-builder:latest. Both of the options give same error. I am working in offline environment. And my viewer is:

new Viewer(“cesiumContainer”, {

imageryProvider: ImageryLayer.fromProviderAsync(





terrainProvider: CesiumTerrainProvider.fromUrl(http://localhost:8000/terrain/tiles/,{

requestVertexNormals: true,


baseLayerPicker: false,

geocoder: false,

homeButton: false,

infoBox: false,

scaneModePicker: true,

selectionIndicator: false,

timeline: true,

creditContainer: document.createElement(“none”)


Also my terrain folder is

→ 0

→ 0

→ 0.terrain


→ 0.terrain

→ 1


→ 1.terrain





Note: http://localhost:8000 I used python http server with necessary CORS configuration

Note: All files in http://localhost:8000 are accessible from local.