I would like to move to city
ferry route intheir direction at cesium.
I studied “http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=CZML.html&label”
sample and “ Vehicle.czml ” file.
I have some questions and I’ll glad if you can help me.
The coordinates of
route are “.Json” format. Is there any possibility for using the data
.Json format? If not, How can I convert the data into “.czml”
Json file.
{ “type”: “LineString”, “coordinates”: [ [ 416535.44510000013, 4545605.7652 ], [ 416694.03830000013, 4545596.617699999 ], [ 416852.88949999958, 4545595.294299999 ], [ 417011.6129, 4545601.7983 ], [ 417169.82299999986, 4545616.1137 ], [ 417327.13570000045, 4545638.206 ], [ 417483.16899999976, 4545668.0214 ], [ 417637.5438000001, 4545705.4875 ], [ 417789.8854, 4545750.5134 ],
I am getting error
while trying “.dae” format convert into the “gltf” format. Why this error