CZML rgba transparency colors

I have the below CZML packet that is being sent to Cesium. The problem is that the fill color isn’t taking any consideration to the values being input if the transparency is anything below 255.

If I enter [0, 0, 100, 50] (dark transparent blue) or [0,0,2,50](pretty much black), the visual output in cesium is [0,0,255,50](bright blue). If I raise the alpha to 255 it will display the correct color.

Why is it not considering all the values in between 0 and 255 when the alpha is lowered below 255?

“id”: “DA1”,
“position”: {
“cartesian”: [
“ellipse”: {
“show”: true,
“semiMajorAxis”: 2500,
“semiMinorAxis”: 2500,
“material”: {
“solidColor”: {
“color”: {
“rgba”: [0,0,20,50]
“outline”: true,
“outlineColor”: {
“rgba”: [0,157,255,255]


This is working fine for me:

Here’s the code I used. Does the problem occur if you paste this into It’s possible there is a bug, but this packet alone doesn’t seem to reproduce it.

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’);


“id” : “document”,

version : “1.0”

}, {

“id” : “DA1”,

“position” : {

“cartesian” : [305369.7477776007, -5243974.963873901, 3605944.731694392]


“ellipse” : {

“show” : true,

“semiMajorAxis” : 2500,

“semiMinorAxis” : 2500,

“material” : {

“solidColor” : {

“color” : {

“rgba” : [0, 0, 50, 50]




“outline” : true,

“outlineColor” : {

“rgba” : [0, 157, 255, 255]




I just re-loaded a fresh copy of Cesium into my project and that fixed it. Thanks for pointing out that the code worked correctly in the Sandcastle or I would have continued to search through my own code for an answer!

Not sure how my copy of Cesium got screwed up but that’s beside the point.

Thanks again