Dataset with implicit tiles

Hi all,

I’m looking for a 3D Tile dataset with implicit tiling. Are there any free Cesium Ion 3D tile assets that use implicit tiling? If not, does anyone know of an available dataset outside of Cesium Ion that uses implicit tiling?


The 3D Tiles Samples contain the SparseImplicitQuadtree and SparseImplicitOctree samples, which are (intentionally!) small examples with a detailed description of their structure, intended for demonstrating the concept, and maybe useful for first tests for implementors.

The 3D Tiles Samples by @bertt also include some tilesets that use implicit tiling. These are “real world” data sets, published under MIT license.

(I could check internally whether (or which of) the data sets that are publicly available on Cesium ion use implicit tiling, but maybe someone knows one from the tip of the head…)

That’s exactly what I needed, thanks!