Generating local 3dtiles

Hi all, I’ve dug through a lot of the documentation on here and it looks like 3dtiles is the format that ion is using to stream data to Unreal. I’d like to eventually be able to make my dataset local so that I can package it with the executable when the time comes. Is there a recommended workflow or tool to convert georeferenced DEM tifs and/or rasters into Cesium Unreal 3dtile data locally (possibly on the roadmap)? Or maybe a way to download tilesets that have already been converted on Ion?

Suggestions welcome, open to workflow ideas :slight_smile: Thanks!



no answers?


The ability to download tiles is something that we are interested in adding eventually, but we currently have no updates as to the status of that feature. You can read more about the topic here.

Feel free to chime in on that forum post with more information about your use cases.