"Detect Transform Changes" reset in Editor

I have a camera controller with a globe anchor that is a child of a georeference. I set both “Detect Transform Changes” and “Adjust Orientation for Globe when Moving” to true before I enter play mode in the Unity editor, but when I exit play mode, both of these properties get set to false but I can’t figure out what is causing them to be set to false!?

I thought it was my camera controller script that was doing something to cause these values to be set to false, but if I disable that script, the issue persists.

The weird thing is, I have another GameObject with a globe anchor on it, and the properties are not set to false when leaving play mode. The only difference that I can see is the camera controller has an OriginShift component while the other GameObject doesn’t.

I also tried to debug this in Visual Studio to see what was causing the values to be set to false, but there are 1000’s of terrain tiles, each with a globe anchor which also get this value set to false when exiting play mode. Trying to skip the breakpoint for 1000’s tiles was a bit problematic.

Any ideas what is forcing this value to to reset to false when exiting play mode?

Hi @jpvanoosten,

That’s very strange. The Detect Transform Changes property is supposed to be true even in edit mode, so it sounds like something is going wrong under the hood. But it’s not obvious to me what would be wrong, yet.

Could you share the following details?

  • What version of Cesium for Unity are you using?
  • Does this same effect happen when you use the Dynamic Camera included with the plugin?
  • Can you share a screenshot of your scene hierarchy?

We’ll keep trying to troubleshoot once we have that information. Thank you!

@janine Thanks for your reply. For some reason, this issue only occurs in my test scene. It does not happen in the main scene for the game, so let’s just call it solved…

I don’t really know why/how it’s happening in my test scene. I guess I’m probably doing something stupid, I just don’t know what… More testing is needed.

Hi @jpvanoosten,

I’m sure you’re not doing something stupid. :smile: It sounds like a weird inconsistency, so definitely let us know if it still presents an issue.