Hello, everyone,
I packaged a section of code related to Cesium into a private npm package. However, when I installed and used it in one of my Vue projects using the command ‘npm i xxx’, I encountered this error. Strangely, this issue only occurs when running the code in a development environment; it works fine when packaged and run in a production environment (I suspect there might be different error handling methods for Cesium between the development and production environments). The entire npm package’s code has been tested and runs correctly; it’s just that running it via npm installation leads to this issue (running the code files from npm as project files works without problems). The issue arises in the method below, but I am unclear where the problem lies. I have searched Google for a whole day and still haven’t found a solution. If you are familiar with this issue and see this post, I look forward to your response; any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here are some code snippets where the error occurs, I’m sorry that I can’t provide the whole package code.
export interface ContourLine {
grade: number;
positions: Cesium.Cartesian3[][];
export interface ContourResult {
lines: ContourLine[];
t: number,
startColor: Cesium.Color = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString('#0e6bf4'),
endColor: Cesium.Color = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString('#fb5106')
) {
return Cesium.Color.lerp(startColor, endColor, t, new Cesium.Color());
visualize(result: ContourResult, lineWidth = 2, colorFunc: Function | null = null): Cesium.GroundPolylinePrimitive[] {
const primitives: Cesium.GroundPolylinePrimitive[] = [];
const { lines } = result;
lines.forEach(line => {
const { positions, grade } = line;
const t = (grade - this.minHeight) / (this.maxHeight - this.minHeight); // 插值比例
const instances: Cesium.GeometryInstance[] = [];
positions.forEach(ps => {
const instance = new Cesium.GeometryInstance({
geometry: new Cesium.GroundPolylineGeometry({
positions: ps,
width: lineWidth
const color = colorFunc ? colorFunc(t) : this.coloring(t);
new Cesium.GroundPolylinePrimitive({
geometryInstances: instances,
appearance: new Cesium.PolylineMaterialAppearance({
material: new Cesium.Material({
fabric: {
type: 'Color',
uniforms: {
color: color,
return primitives;
npm package info:
- Cesium : 1.123.0
- Rollup : 4.28.1
- Typescript : 5.7.2
Vue app info:
- Cesium : 1.123.0
- Vite : 6.0.1
- Typescript : 5.6.2
- Vue-tsc : 2.1.10
The expectational output added to the scene is like that
Thanks to the community.