Different color for different polygon inside the same placemark on a KML file

As the title, is it possible have different color for different polygon inside the same placemark on a KML file?

For example:


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To be more clear…

KML MultiGeometry is what you want. However, this will get broken down into individual entities when loaded into Cesium (since the Entity API does not support multi-geometry yet).

If your main goal is Cesium visualization, I would recommend CZML (or the Entity API directly) over KML. CZML will continue to evolve and improve while the KML standard is a dead-end.

The problem is that when i insert the tag inside a its characteristics is spreading throughout the placemark.

Also if i use an “id” for the different styles and i recalling them using in each individual polygon or multigeometry nothing change.

Only one color for all placemark.