distanceDisplayCondition and labels


Is there a way to detect if distanceDisplayCondition condition is active and label is invisible? Right now even though distanceDisplayCondition condition works still glyphs are being created and label update commands are being executed. If there is a property like “currentlyInvisible”, we want to check that value while updating labels. After all there is no meaning to update invisible features. Currently label updates are the bottleneck and we want to bypass label changes while they are invisible.



Thank you for your question. I currently do not know of a simple way to detect if distanceDisplayedCondition is active and the label is invisible. What object would you like to know the visibility status of? I know that many objects have the show member controlling visibility. However, this depends on the object in question.


Thanks for fast reply. I guess I already found the answer. distanceDisplayCondition is being executed in gpu so there is no attribute that shows if the object is visible or not in javascript side. I found the info from old forums. We created another solution for bypassing updates of invisible labels with using scale condition. Thank you for your attention.

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Thank you for sharing your solution with the community! Your response seems robust - I will share this thread with the community if similar questions arise.
