Draw line with mouse clicks

Hey there,

I want to draw a line by clicking once to start the line and then click a second time to draw a line between these two points. Whats important to me is, that the temporary line from the first click to the current mouse position is drawn as well.

What I have so far is this:

  var screenSpaceEventHandler = new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(viewer.scene.canvas);

    // Function to add a point at the mouse position
    function addPoint(position) {
        point = viewer.entities.add({
            position: position,
            point: {
                pixelSize: 5,
                color: Cesium.Color.RED

  // Event handler for left click
    screenSpaceEventHandler.setInputAction(function(click) {

    // get position of click
        var clickPosition = viewer.camera.pickEllipsoid(click.position);

    // add point at initial click position

    // Event handler for mouse movement
        screenSpaceEventHandler.setInputAction(function(movement) {

      // get position of mouse
            var mousePosition = viewer.camera.pickEllipsoid(movement.endPosition, viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid, mousePosition);

      // use callback property to add a point at the position of the mouse cursor
            var point = viewer.entities.add({
                position: new Cesium.CallbackProperty(function(time, result) {
                    return mousePosition
                }, false),
                point: {
                    pixelSize: 5,
                    color: Cesium.Color.RED

      // create an empty array where the coordinates of the line will be stored
            var lineArray =

      // convert mouse and click position to lon/lat coordinates and add them to the array
            var cartographicMouse = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartesianToCartographic(mousePosition);
            var cartographicClick = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartesianToCartographic(clickPosition);
      startPoint.longitude = cartographicClick.longitude;
      startPoint.latitude = cartographicClick.latitude;
      endPoint.longitude = cartographicMouse.longitude;
      endPoint.latitude = cartographicMouse.latitude;
            var x = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographicMouse.longitude);
            var y = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographicMouse.latitude);
            var x = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographicClick.longitude);
            var y = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographicClick.latitude);
      // use callback property to get cartesian coordinates for the line; if there is an existing line remove it, store in varible
            var linePosition = new Cesium.CallbackProperty(function(time, result) {
                if (typeof tempLine !== 'undefined') {
                return new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(lineArray)
            }, false)

      // draw tempLine
            var tempLine = viewer.entities.add({
                polyline: {
                    positions: linePosition,
                    width: 5,
                    material: Cesium.Color.RED

      // Event handler for second click; draw line with position from variable linePosition
            screenSpaceEventHandler.setInputAction(function(click) {
        // get position of click
        var clickPosition = viewer.camera.pickEllipsoid(click.position);
        // add point at click position

                var Line = viewer.entities.add({
                    polyline: {
                        positions: linePosition,
                        width: 5,
                        material: Cesium.Color.RED
            }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);

        }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE, );

    }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);

This works fine as far as the functionality goes. I store the coordinates of the first click in a array, store the coordinates of the current mouse position (CallbackPoperty) in that array as well and use the array to draw a temporary line. Once I click again the actual line gets drawn

The problem is, that the temporary line only shows while I move the mouse. As soon as its still the line disappears and shows up again when moving the mouse.

I do understand why this is happening. My question is, if there is a workaround.

Thanks in advance


You’ll need to add the position to the list of line positions in order to see it when the mouse it not moving. I would suggest that when the mouse moves, you pop the last position off the list, and push the new mouse position onto the list.



He Gabby,

thanks for the answer. I tried your suggestion already. The code I came up with had a different problem. As I moved the mouse cursor a line was drawn for each registered mouse position so that the globe would be full with lines. I still struggle to get a temporary line, that is still visible while the mouse cursor is not moving. Here are Sandcastle friendly code examples for both of my approaches:




I think this just comes down to restructuring your code. I would avoid nesting the mouse handler functions, and instead keep track of the state of drawing. There are a bunch of examples of other developers solution on the forum if you give it a search. For example, here’s one thread.