Is it possible to embed Cesium3DTileStyle into tileset.json?
I would like to use something like
"asset": {
"version": "1.0"
"root": {
"content": {...},
"implicitTiling": {...}
"extensions": {
"3DTILES_style": {
"default": { <style expression goes here> }
Hi @Dmitry_Kiselev ,
Thanks for your post and being a part of the Cesium community.
The design of 3D Tiles is to use declarative styling at runtime.
While a style may be created for and reference properties of a tileset, a style is independent of a tileset, such that any style can be applied to any tileset.
3d-tiles/specification/Styling/README.adoc at main · CesiumGS/3d-tiles · GitHub
What type of data are you using and how are you turning it into 3DTiles? Some of the tiling pipelines maintained by Cesium embed/carry over some style information from the source data.
Let us know if you have further questions and how we can help.
What type of data are you using and how are you turning it into 3DTiles?
I use just some points with labels, and convert them myself.
Generating style isn’t a problem, and I like that it’s possible to develop it separately from the actual data set.
The only thing that I would be happy to use - is to be able to reference a particular style to apply in a tileset document.
UPD: I can write and submit PR for this if that’s aligned with Cesium team view on the matter.