Hello Support,
Am facing a problem with DEM data and entities. Let me explain the problem.
Am using offline globe(took sample from sandcastle demo) as a base globe in my project.
I have created DEM tiles using cesium terrain builder . Am loading DEM tiles on top of offline globe in my project using this below script.
var ElevationProvider = new Cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider({
url: “http://localhost:8001/tilesets/DEM”,
requestVertexNormals: true,
ellipsoid: Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84
viewer.scene.terrainProvider = ElevationProvider;
- I have loaded some of the entities like bill board and polyline. But these entites are not in fixed position where I have loaded. Entities are moving along with the terrain .
Please see the below sreenshots.
Original position of entities are shown in picture 1
Once moved the terrain, entities are also moving along with the terrain. Shown in picture2
Once tilt the terrain then entities are also going to under the terrain . Shown in picture3.
What is problem and where am doing wrong . Can somebody explain how to handle this.
Problem in loading DEM data or with lading entities?
Above scenario working properly with world terrain data with below code.
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {
terrainProvider: Cesium.createWorldTerrain()
But what is the problem with my DEM data.