Cesium 1.21 is now available: http://cesiumjs.org/downloads.html
This is mostly a bugfix release as we gear up for a major 1.22 release which will include some major features, such as shadows and (possibly) models in 2D and Columbus View.
Is there any timeframe for locking entities to terrain yet?
Also, do you know if it'll work with entities using TimeIntervalCollectionPositionProperty as their location?
We want to have entities on terrain finished for 1.22, but there are still several hurdles that need to be overcome so there’s a good chance it won’t be until 1.23 or 1.24. Our goal is to have everything that works without terrain to work with terrain, but there will definitely be caveats (which we will make clear). Time-dynamic data shouldn’t be a problem, but anything that deals with polylines/paths will not support terrain for the first version.
You can follow along with https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/pull/3406 to see the latest status.
That's great news! We are keen to add a feature to our application that relies on that functionality.
Thanks for your response.