Event after finish drawing

Hi, when I get big data from the backend, after getting the data, it takes a long time to draw the data to the map. I would like to know if there is such an event when I can receive after completion of drawing data to the map.
Thanks in advance.


What kind of data are you adding to the Cesium Viewer? Are you retrieving your data from Cesium ion? I do not know of any simple ways to check if your data has been drawn on your map. Does anyone else from the community have any suggestions?

I did find this community forum thread that seems to address an issue related to your question.

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Thanks for your reply, my data consists of large polygons, and I receive them from API - (backend)

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Thank you for providing a few more details. I just have a few more questions that might help me get a better understanding of your use case. What data type are you importing? Which API are you using to import this data? In the meantime, I would be curious to hear your thoughts on the community forum thread that I shared in my last post. As mentioned earlier, I believe that your issue is at least partially addressed in the thread.
