Extent.js and ExtentPrimitive.js are removed?


I downloaded the newest cesium code from github. After I replaced the old version of cesium with the newest version, I found that Extent.js and ExtentPrimitive.js files no longer exist. It looks like that Rectangle.js and RectanglePrimitive.js replaced Extent.js and ExtentPrimitive.js.

What is the difference among those files? If I just change the name from Extent to Rectangle, will my old code work? I have lots of code that are using Extent.js and ExtentPrimitive.js.



I found the solution myself.
To those who have the same problem, Extent and ExtentPrimitive are quite similar to Rectange and RectangePrimitive in terms of coding. However, I do notice a little performance deduction. My application draws lots of rectangles on the globe, the least amount of rectangles the application needs to draw on the globe are 180*360. With the massive amount of rectangles I need to draw on the globe, the rendering speed is critical. In my code, I use “asynchronous: false” to speed up the rendering processes.

The questions are:

  1. Why the rendering speed of using Rectangle and RectanglePrimitive is slower than Extent and ExtentPrimitive?

  2. How to further increase the rendering speed?



在 2014年6月21日星期六UTC-7下午11时35分03秒,Steven写道:

Hello, if you read CHANGES.md ( https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/CHANGES.md ), you'll find that during build 28, Extend function was converted as Rectangle function and same with ExtendPrimitive and RectanglePrimitive. The asynchronous creation of primitive (with webworker) is indeed not optimize today. I saw that it will be in the future.