Hi, I would like to use the GroundPrimitive object to have a rectangle that is draped over the terrain, but I would like to be able to paint the rectangle using an image.
My understanding based on the docs: https://cesiumjs.org/refdoc.html, is that since only PerInstanceColorAppearance is currently supported, then I won't be able to paint my rectangle with custom image.
Is this correct? If so, is there any possible work-around?
Any help appreciated, thanks!
Possibly use SingleTileImageryProvider in conjunction with a canvas and a data URL?
If I had to update the image, which could be up to a 1280x720 color image with an alpha channel, and update it at 30 frames per second, would I still be able to use it?
I remember reading in another post somewhere that updating using the SingleTileImageryProvider is somewhat slow
Hi there,
Although we don’t yet have support for image and other non-basic materials for ground primitives, its definitely on our roadmap.
Yes, singleTileProvider may be a little slow right now, but we actually have a pull request open for fast updates (video updates too!): https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/pull/5536.
Feel free to use that branch until its merged into master. Demo here:
Hope that helps,