Extrude Height of GeoJson using VueCesium


I am working on displaying geojson data on map using vuecesium in vue.js

I have successfully displayed the data from a local file on the map.

Now I need to extrude height of the geojson objects based on the attribute value available in geojson file.

The link to my current work is ‘https://github.com/awanalauddin/vuecesiumGeoJson.git

I want to be able to do something like ‘Cesium Sandcastle

I have replicated all of this on my local device using simple html and script.

Now I have moved on to vue js and using vuecesium.

Looking forward to a good quick solution.



Welcome to the community! I do not have a significant amount of experience using vue.js. I am going to take some time to familiarize myself with the framework and then look over your repository. In the meantime, does anyone else from the community have suggestions? Community input is most likely our best resource for resolving this issue in a timely manner.
